UPSTREAM – 1st e-Newsletter

Welcome to the first issue of the UPSTREAM e-Newsletter, in which we will inform you about important news, findings and progress of the project!

London Fashion Week

During »London Fashion Week« Upstream project partner Think Ocean showcased a fashion collection made from recycled, upcycled and off-cut fabrics and materials, including fabrics made from recycled plastic, to raise awareness around the benefits of reuse as well as waste, and the impact on the environment. During the event, TOC played a video which included […]

Clean-up (Samajik Uthaan area of India)

Think Ocean partnered with We Rise Foundation to engage in awareness-raising activities sharing information with communities on plastic pollution, its effects, projects and engaging volunteers in a clean-up drive. This was done in the Samajik Uthaan area of India. Over 12 bags (over 300kg) of waste was collected, containing 35kgs of plastic waste, cloth waste […]

Kedonganan beach clean-up (Bali, Indonesia)

Think Ocean partnered with the ROLE Foundation on a beach cleanup activity. 381 kg of waste from Kedonganan Beach last week. Most of it was plastic, left behind by fishermen and visitors. From October, the Bali government will roll out new waste management rules, so this should assist with more circular economy initiatives and appropriate […]

Türkiye BlueMissionMed HUB in action!

Mobilising stakeholders from Türkiye towards the implementation of transformative innovative solutions for the EU Mission Ocean and Waters within the Mediterranean basin. The “Türkiye BlueMissionMed HUB in Action” event, was aimed at stakeholders from Türkiye towards the realization of transformative innovative solutions for the EU Mission Ocean and Waters within the Mediterranean basin. The workshop […]

Scientific and business approaches for effective communication on microplastics and biodiversity

Project partner, National Institute of Chemistry organised an event “Scientific and business approaches for effective communication on microplastics and biodiversity”, which took place on June 7, 2024 (Center Rog in Ljubljana, Slovenia). The event highlights the local female entrepreneurs working on MissionOceanandWaters topics, restoring biodiversity with sea oases, educating young mothers about the microplastics in […]

UPSTREAM – 1st Steering Committee Meeting

On 12-13 March 2024, the UPSTREAM consortium met in Barcelona (Spain) to discuss the status and progress of the project since its official launch in September 2023. UPSTREAM project partners at the 1st SC Meeting, Barcelona (Spain) We are pleased to announce that our 1st UPSTREAM Steering Committee Meeting, hosted by the Leitat (March 12-13, […]